Susquehanna’s Provost and Dean of Faculty Dave Ramsaran plans, implements and coordinates all academic programs. He fosters faculty development and scholarship while preserving the academic integrity of the university. He leads the university as a vibrant community of inquiry focused on the pursuit of excellence in teaching and learning.
Priorities of the provost include building upon academic innovation and deepening intellectual engagement, furthering global engagement, excelling at inclusive excellence and expanding diversity.
A member of the president’s Senior Leadership Team, the provost oversees:
- School of the Arts
- School of Humanities
- School of Natural and Social Sciences
- Sigmund Weis School of Business
- Global Programs
- Career Development Center
- Center for Academic Success
- Grants & Foundation Relations
- Registrar’s Office
- Blough-Weis Library

Meet the Provost
Dave Ramsaran joined Susquehanna in 2000 as assistant professor of sociology and anthropology. He was named provost and dean of the faculty in 2019.