Title IX Frequently Asked Questions 

The Title IX Education Amendment of 1972 states, “No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.” 


What is Title IX (Title Nine)?

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits sex and gender discrimination in any educational program or activity receiving federal financial assistance. It requires fair and equitable treatment in all areas of education.

What does Title IX cover?

Title IX requires that the University frequently review its internal practices regarding admissions, financial aid distribution, access to classrooms and academic departments to assure they are free from gender-based discrimination, which includes discrimination based on gender identity and sexual orientation, as well as pregnancy and other medically related conditions.

The Title IX Office is also required to stop, prevent, and remedy reports of sex- and gender-based harassment that occur in any spaces where the University exhibits control including dating/domestic violence, sexual assault, sexual harassment (quid pro quo or hostile environment) and retaliation.

I’ve just experienced an incident of sex- or gender-based discrimination or harassment.  What should I do?

If you feel comfortable, notify someone that you trust. This could be a friend, parent, supporter, mentor, or campus professional to help make sure that you receive all the supportive services that are available to you. Click here to learn more about resources on and off campus including emotional support and academic accommodations.

How do I notify the University about an incident of sex- or gender-based discrimination or harassment?

If you or someone you know has experienced discrimination or harassment, you are not alone. You can complete the online Title IX report form yourself, with a friend, or with any campus employee you trust and confide in.

All employees at the institution are considered responsible employees and required to report incidents of discrimination and harassment to the institution. They also receive annual training on how to report incidents.

All online reports are sent to the Title IX Coordinator and the Deputy Coordinator who will follow up within one business day with the person who has been named as experiencing harm in the report.

Faculty, staff and students can receive immediate services via our Campus Victim Advocate Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at 570-490-2698 or 24/7 at 1-800-850-7948 or the Office of Campus Safety at 570-372-4444.

What happens after the university Title IX Coordinator receives a report of sex- or gender-based discrimination or harassment?

The Title IX Office will follow-up directly with the person who has reported being harmed within one business day. They will offer the opportunity to schedule a meeting to learn more about what was reported, discuss options for addressing the situation, and offering supportive measures, including, but not limited to housing, work, and academic accommodations. It is up to the individual who has experienced harm to determine how they would like to proceed. To learn more about our options and supportive measures click here.

What is Susquehanna’s policy on addressing interpersonal violence?

Susquehanna University prohibits all forms of sex- and gender-based harassment. We comply with all state and federal laws that impact our policy including, but not limited to the Violence Against Women Act, Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics, Title VII, the Fair Housing Act, and the Title IX Education Amendments of 1972. Please read our policy.

Doesn’t Title IX apply mostly to athletics?

Athletics is one of the key areas addressed under Title IX, but the law applies to every aspect of education.

How is a Title IX investigation different from a criminal investigation?

Title IX investigations determine whether an individual has violated university policy, and if so, what disciplinary actions and remedial measures are appropriate. Colleges and universities use the “preponderance of the evidence” standard (where more than 50 percent of evidence supports the finding) to determine whether there has been a violation and then applies sanctions if there is a finding of responsibility.

Police investigation and/or subsequent criminal prosecution of interpersonal violence crimes determine whether an individual violated criminal law. Most trials in criminal matters use the “beyond a reasonable doubt” standard of proof and the court will apply criminal sentences, fines, etc. if a person is found guilty of committing a crime.

A person who has been harmed has the right to one, both or neither process depending on what they decide is best for them. A decision regarding how to proceed after a person has experienced discrimination or harm can be difficult and may take time.

If you are a friend, parent or supporter of someone who has experienced harm, please be patient. If you don’t agree with the person’s decision regarding how to proceed, it is important to respect it and to continue to keep what was shared with you private.

Does Susquehanna automatically report all interpersonal violence cases to the police?

No, Title IX reports are not automatically reported to the police. We are not required by law to report complaints to law enforcement and many victim service professionals do not support this practice. We believe reporting incidents to law enforcement, should be the choice of the person who has been harmed and not someone else. Reporting incidents automatically to law enforcement could irrevocably harm the individual who has already been harmed. The option to report to Selinsgrove Borough Police Department is always available to students and our Title IX Office provides resources for reporting to law enforcement as well as other supportive measures to every report they receive.

Whom should I contact if I have questions about Title IX?

You can contact titleix@sukamembaca.net or any member of the Title IX Team.

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Title IX

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