Robert Sieczkiewicz
- MA, Univ of Massachusetts Boston
- BA, Hampshire College
- MS, Drexel University
Director of the Blough-Weis Library
Associate Professor
Contact Information
Phone Number570-372-4329
Office LocationBlough-Weis Library

- Drexel University, Master of Science (Library and Information Science)
- University of Massachusetts Boston, Master of Arts (History and Archival Methods)
- Hampshire College, Bachelor of Arts (History and Politics)
Susquehanna University, Associate Professor and Director, Blough-Weis Library, 2019-present (interim 2019-20)
- Manage department of 10 FTE staff with $1.3 million annual budget. Lead assessment, goal setting, performance reviews, and other library operations. Direct library fundraising and stewardship of donations.
- Conduct strategic planning process, Spring 2023, including creation of mission, and vision; maximizing stakeholder participation in setting three-year goals.
- Act as the library’s voice on campus and advance the mission of the organization by serving on both academic and administrative leadership teams and committees, including Curriculum Committee, Academic Leadership, Provost’s Council. Chair the Library Faculty Committee and the Board of the Friends of the Blough-Weis Library.
- Support the university’s diversity, equity, and inclusion goals by serving on Assembly Required teach-in team, the Engaging Men Committee, and the Co-Curricular Task Force.
- Promoted to Associate Professor 2018
Susquehanna University, Assistant Director, Blough-Weis Library, January 2018 - July 2019
- Led information literacy instruction, including revamping first-year instruction
- Led digital scholarship efforts including supporting faculty in creating digital class projects, training students to use Omeka and WordPress, and
- Supervised three librarians, including training and mentoring the first Diversity Resident Librarian
- Taught information literacy classes and offer individual research consultations to students in four liaison departments.
- Collaborated with Chair of Faculty Scholarship Committee to create and direct a series of faculty research presentations (Short Talks on Faculty Scholarship) that brought faculty together across disciplines to learn about each other’s research. As of 2023, more than 80 faculty talks have been delivered, representing every department at the university.
Susquehanna University, Instruction and Digital Scholarship Librarian, February 2015 - January 2018
- Directed scholarly communication program, including implementing and managing university’s first open-access institutional repository, Scholarly Commons
- Taught information literacy classes in liaison departments and to first-year students
- Led archives (2015-17), establishing web archiving service and restarting a dormant historic image digitization project;
- Co-creator, with Outreach Librarian Ryan Ake, of the community storytelling project, Pennsylvania History Harvest (
Drexel University, University Archivist, September 2007 – February 2015
- Led archives and special collections program, supervising 3 FTE staff.
- Managed reference, instruction, processing/cataloging and records management services, digital collections, institutional repository, and archival outreach efforts.
- Promoted university history and history of the Drexel family to a range of internal and external audiences, partnering with Alumni/ae Affairs, Advancement, Marketing, and Athletics offices.
American College of Physicians, Archivist, December 2000 ‐ September 2007
- Acquired, preserved and provided access to the historic records of largest medical specialty society in the U.S. Wrote historical essays and led tours of building.
Susquehanna University, Adjunct faculty, 2015-present
- ENGL-101 Writing and Thinking: Fall 2023
- FYSE-101 First Year Seminar: Fall 2022
- PRDV-104 Perspectives (first‐year seminar): Fall 2018, Fall 2016, Fall 2015
College of Computing and Informatics, Drexel University, Adjunct faculty, 2011-present
- INFO-505 Information Professionals and Information Ethics: Spring 2023, Winter 2022
- INFO-507 Leading & Managing Information Organizations (online): Summer 2023, Summer 2022, Winter 2021
- INFO-651 Academic Library Services (online): Spring 2020, Winter 2019
- INFO-560 Introduction to Archives I (online): Spring 2018, Fall 2018, Winter 2013
- INFO-561 Introduction to Archives II (online): Winter 2023, Summer 2017, Winter 2017, Fall 2016, Summer 2016, Summer 2015, Summer 2014, Summer 2013, Fall 2011
March Fellowship in Ethical Living, 2023 Spring. $7500. Project title: “The Ethics of Digital Piracy.” One of two faculty-student pairs to receive the fellowship this year.
Dittbrenner, H. & Sieczkiewicz, R. (2023, June). I Want It That Way: Student and Faculty Attitudes Toward Ebook Piracy. Online presentation for Pennsylvania Library Association, College & Research Division, Connect & Communicate Series.
Dittbrenner, H. & Sieczkiewicz, R. (2023, April). Student-Librarian Collaboration in Understanding Ebook Piracy. Lightning talk given at ACLCP Spring 2023 Virtual Conference.
Sieczkiewicz, R. (2018, May). What we talk about when we talk about digital maps. Presentation at ACLCP Emerging Technologies Special Interest Group meeting, Lancaster, PA. Available at:
Sieczkiewicz, R., & Ake, R. (2017, October). Navigating deeper waters: Sustaining a local history digital collection. Poster presentation at Pennsylvania Library Association Annual Conference, Pittsburgh, PA.
Cox, S., & Sieczkiewicz, R. (2017, July). Is a digital archaeology workbook a DH project? Lightning talk given at Keystone Digital Humanities Conference, Philadelphia, PA.
Sieczkiewicz, R., & Ake, R. (2017, May). History, locally sourced: A practical guide for gathering community history. Presentation at Rhode Island Library Association Conference, Smithfield, RI.
Roth, L., & Sieczkiewicz, R. (2017, March). Digital issues: Navigating the changing landscape of scholarly publishing. Presentation for Susquehanna University Center for Teaching and Learning, Selinsgrove, PA.
Sieczkiewicz, R., Ake, R., Baer, R. & Deibert, J. (2016, October). Shaping the future by engaging the past: Preserving the stories of a discarded symbol. Panel session at Bucknell University Digital Scholarship Conference, Lewisburg, PA.
Sieczkiewicz, R. (2016, June). On the diversity of digital decay. Presentation at Keystone Digital Humanities Conference, Pittsburgh, PA.
Sieczkiewicz, R. (2016, May). Simple and inexpensive ways to preserve and promote your library’s digital collections. Workshop presented at Pennsylvania Library Association South Central Chapter Annual Workshop, Harrisburg, PA.
Sieczkiewicz, R., Slavishak, E., Wagner, M., Baer, R., & Peretin, A. (2015, October). Small places contain worlds of their own: Transforming local history into public scholarship. Panel session at Bucknell University Digital Scholarship Conference, Lewisburg, PA.
Allen, R. B., & Sieczkiewicz, R. (2010). How historians use historical newspapers. Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 47(1), 1‐4. Available at:
Goldman, R., Bhatt, J., & Sieczkiewicz, R. (2010). Roles of engagement: Evaluating the institutional repository through scholarly communication research. In S. Kataria., J.P. Anbu. K., & S. Ram (Eds.), Emerging technologies and changing dimensions of libraries and information services (pp. 150‐156). New Delhi: KBD Publication.
Calloway, H., Mangiafico, L., & Sieczkiewicz, R. (2006, October). Association archives: keeping secrets and building trust. Panel session at Mid‐Atlantic Regional Archives Conference, Baltimore, MD.
Pennsylvania Library Association (PaLA)
- Annual Meeting, Session moderator, 2018
- Mentor, 2020-present
- Teaching, Learning, and Technology Roundtable
- Planning Committee member, 2018-present
- Secretary, 2020
- Co-organizer of roundtable webinars 2021, 2022, 2023
- West Branch Chapter
- Chair, 2018
- Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect, 2017
Associated College Libraries of Central Pennsylvania (ACLCP)
- Founding Chair, Digital Scholarship Special Interest Group, 2016-2018
Rare Books and Manuscripts Section, Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL)
- Preconference Local Arrangements Committee, 2010
Delaware Valley Archivists Group (DVAG)
- Chair, 2008
- Officer, 2005‐2009
Administrative Leadership Team, 2018-present
Advisory Committee on Academic Technology, ex officio, 2019-present
Co-Curricular Task Force, subcommittee chair, 2023
Common Reading Advisory Board, 2019-present
Curriculum Committee, ex officio, 2019-present
Engaging Men Committee, 2019-2022
Library Faculty Committee, ex officio, 2015-present
Middle States Commission on Higher Education Self Study Group, working group co-chair, 2022-23
Perspectives Steering Committee, 2017-2019
Sexual Misconduct Awareness Resource Team (SMART), 2017-18
Susquehanna Achieve Lead Serve Academy, 2020 (inaugural cohort)
Whatever It Takes (WIT) Award recipient, 2017
- ENGL-100: Writing and Thinking
- FYSE-100: First-Year Seminar
- FYSE-101: First Year Seminar
About Me
- Drexel University, Master of Science (Library and Information Science)
- University of Massachusetts Boston, Master of Arts (History and Archival Methods)
- Hampshire College, Bachelor of Arts (History and Politics)
Susquehanna University, Associate Professor and Director, Blough-Weis Library, 2019-present (interim 2019-20)
- Manage department of 10 FTE staff with $1.3 million annual budget. Lead assessment, goal setting, performance reviews, and other library operations. Direct library fundraising and stewardship of donations.
- Conduct strategic planning process, Spring 2023, including creation of mission, and vision; maximizing stakeholder participation in setting three-year goals.
- Act as the library’s voice on campus and advance the mission of the organization by serving on both academic and administrative leadership teams and committees, including Curriculum Committee, Academic Leadership, Provost’s Council. Chair the Library Faculty Committee and the Board of the Friends of the Blough-Weis Library.
- Support the university’s diversity, equity, and inclusion goals by serving on Assembly Required teach-in team, the Engaging Men Committee, and the Co-Curricular Task Force.
- Promoted to Associate Professor 2018
Susquehanna University, Assistant Director, Blough-Weis Library, January 2018 - July 2019
- Led information literacy instruction, including revamping first-year instruction
- Led digital scholarship efforts including supporting faculty in creating digital class projects, training students to use Omeka and WordPress, and
- Supervised three librarians, including training and mentoring the first Diversity Resident Librarian
- Taught information literacy classes and offer individual research consultations to students in four liaison departments.
- Collaborated with Chair of Faculty Scholarship Committee to create and direct a series of faculty research presentations (Short Talks on Faculty Scholarship) that brought faculty together across disciplines to learn about each other’s research. As of 2023, more than 80 faculty talks have been delivered, representing every department at the university.
Susquehanna University, Instruction and Digital Scholarship Librarian, February 2015 - January 2018
- Directed scholarly communication program, including implementing and managing university’s first open-access institutional repository, Scholarly Commons
- Taught information literacy classes in liaison departments and to first-year students
- Led archives (2015-17), establishing web archiving service and restarting a dormant historic image digitization project;
- Co-creator, with Outreach Librarian Ryan Ake, of the community storytelling project, Pennsylvania History Harvest (
Drexel University, University Archivist, September 2007 – February 2015
- Led archives and special collections program, supervising 3 FTE staff.
- Managed reference, instruction, processing/cataloging and records management services, digital collections, institutional repository, and archival outreach efforts.
- Promoted university history and history of the Drexel family to a range of internal and external audiences, partnering with Alumni/ae Affairs, Advancement, Marketing, and Athletics offices.
American College of Physicians, Archivist, December 2000 ‐ September 2007
- Acquired, preserved and provided access to the historic records of largest medical specialty society in the U.S. Wrote historical essays and led tours of building.
Susquehanna University, Adjunct faculty, 2015-present
- ENGL-101 Writing and Thinking: Fall 2023
- FYSE-101 First Year Seminar: Fall 2022
- PRDV-104 Perspectives (first‐year seminar): Fall 2018, Fall 2016, Fall 2015
College of Computing and Informatics, Drexel University, Adjunct faculty, 2011-present
- INFO-505 Information Professionals and Information Ethics: Spring 2023, Winter 2022
- INFO-507 Leading & Managing Information Organizations (online): Summer 2023, Summer 2022, Winter 2021
- INFO-651 Academic Library Services (online): Spring 2020, Winter 2019
- INFO-560 Introduction to Archives I (online): Spring 2018, Fall 2018, Winter 2013
- INFO-561 Introduction to Archives II (online): Winter 2023, Summer 2017, Winter 2017, Fall 2016, Summer 2016, Summer 2015, Summer 2014, Summer 2013, Fall 2011
March Fellowship in Ethical Living, 2023 Spring. $7500. Project title: “The Ethics of Digital Piracy.” One of two faculty-student pairs to receive the fellowship this year.
Dittbrenner, H. & Sieczkiewicz, R. (2023, June). I Want It That Way: Student and Faculty Attitudes Toward Ebook Piracy. Online presentation for Pennsylvania Library Association, College & Research Division, Connect & Communicate Series.
Dittbrenner, H. & Sieczkiewicz, R. (2023, April). Student-Librarian Collaboration in Understanding Ebook Piracy. Lightning talk given at ACLCP Spring 2023 Virtual Conference.
Sieczkiewicz, R. (2018, May). What we talk about when we talk about digital maps. Presentation at ACLCP Emerging Technologies Special Interest Group meeting, Lancaster, PA. Available at:
Sieczkiewicz, R., & Ake, R. (2017, October). Navigating deeper waters: Sustaining a local history digital collection. Poster presentation at Pennsylvania Library Association Annual Conference, Pittsburgh, PA.
Cox, S., & Sieczkiewicz, R. (2017, July). Is a digital archaeology workbook a DH project? Lightning talk given at Keystone Digital Humanities Conference, Philadelphia, PA.
Sieczkiewicz, R., & Ake, R. (2017, May). History, locally sourced: A practical guide for gathering community history. Presentation at Rhode Island Library Association Conference, Smithfield, RI.
Roth, L., & Sieczkiewicz, R. (2017, March). Digital issues: Navigating the changing landscape of scholarly publishing. Presentation for Susquehanna University Center for Teaching and Learning, Selinsgrove, PA.
Sieczkiewicz, R., Ake, R., Baer, R. & Deibert, J. (2016, October). Shaping the future by engaging the past: Preserving the stories of a discarded symbol. Panel session at Bucknell University Digital Scholarship Conference, Lewisburg, PA.
Sieczkiewicz, R. (2016, June). On the diversity of digital decay. Presentation at Keystone Digital Humanities Conference, Pittsburgh, PA.
Sieczkiewicz, R. (2016, May). Simple and inexpensive ways to preserve and promote your library’s digital collections. Workshop presented at Pennsylvania Library Association South Central Chapter Annual Workshop, Harrisburg, PA.
Sieczkiewicz, R., Slavishak, E., Wagner, M., Baer, R., & Peretin, A. (2015, October). Small places contain worlds of their own: Transforming local history into public scholarship. Panel session at Bucknell University Digital Scholarship Conference, Lewisburg, PA.
Allen, R. B., & Sieczkiewicz, R. (2010). How historians use historical newspapers. Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 47(1), 1‐4. Available at:
Goldman, R., Bhatt, J., & Sieczkiewicz, R. (2010). Roles of engagement: Evaluating the institutional repository through scholarly communication research. In S. Kataria., J.P. Anbu. K., & S. Ram (Eds.), Emerging technologies and changing dimensions of libraries and information services (pp. 150‐156). New Delhi: KBD Publication.
Calloway, H., Mangiafico, L., & Sieczkiewicz, R. (2006, October). Association archives: keeping secrets and building trust. Panel session at Mid‐Atlantic Regional Archives Conference, Baltimore, MD.
Pennsylvania Library Association (PaLA)
- Annual Meeting, Session moderator, 2018
- Mentor, 2020-present
- Teaching, Learning, and Technology Roundtable
- Planning Committee member, 2018-present
- Secretary, 2020
- Co-organizer of roundtable webinars 2021, 2022, 2023
- West Branch Chapter
- Chair, 2018
- Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect, 2017
Associated College Libraries of Central Pennsylvania (ACLCP)
- Founding Chair, Digital Scholarship Special Interest Group, 2016-2018
Rare Books and Manuscripts Section, Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL)
- Preconference Local Arrangements Committee, 2010
Delaware Valley Archivists Group (DVAG)
- Chair, 2008
- Officer, 2005‐2009
Administrative Leadership Team, 2018-present
Advisory Committee on Academic Technology, ex officio, 2019-present
Co-Curricular Task Force, subcommittee chair, 2023
Common Reading Advisory Board, 2019-present
Curriculum Committee, ex officio, 2019-present
Engaging Men Committee, 2019-2022
Library Faculty Committee, ex officio, 2015-present
Middle States Commission on Higher Education Self Study Group, working group co-chair, 2022-23
Perspectives Steering Committee, 2017-2019
Sexual Misconduct Awareness Resource Team (SMART), 2017-18
Susquehanna Achieve Lead Serve Academy, 2020 (inaugural cohort)
Whatever It Takes (WIT) Award recipient, 2017