Lou Ann Tom, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Chemistry
Program Director of GO Hawaii
Contact Information
Email Addresstoml@sukamembaca.net
Phone Number570-372-4540
Office LocationNatural Sciences Center - Rm 322B

I joined Susquehanna University in 2007 after working as a chemist/senior scientist at Merck & Co. Inc. for 19 years, holding a variety of positions and working with validation of analytical methods, online instrumentation, environmental and wastewater treatment issues and other analytical support as needed.
After joining the faculty at SU, my research was in developing molecularly imprinted polymers designed to detect low concentrations of pharmaceuticals and pesticides in environmental waters, and to investigate the potential for removal of sulfur-containing compounds from diesel fuel for pollution concerns.
My research with students expanded to include investigation into photocatalytic degradation of common pharmaceuticals for disposal. There is potential for misuse and improper disposal of drugs left unused by patients, and therefore environmental contamination is possible. Photodegradation of drugs by UV radiation followed by high-pressure liquid chromatography analysis is being studied as a convenient method to reduce the cost of disposal and to reduce the risk of improper disposal.
Two additional research projects involve analyses using spiders. The elucidation of pheromones in spiders is being investigated using solid phase microextraction followed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry to potentially lead to the development of novel and natural pesticides against crop pests. The accumulation of heavy metals in spiders collected from brownfield sites is also being studied using atomic absorption spectroscopy and inductively coupled plasma/mass spectrometry to determine if levels of heavy metals can provide information on the potential transfer of metals in the food chain.
Ph.D.: Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA 1995 – 2005
Major: Chemistry (overall GPA: 3.98)
Doctorate Thesis: “Development of a Molecularly Imprinted Polymer (MIP) for the Analysis of Avermectin”
Master’s Degree: Bucknell University, Lewisburg, PA 1987 - 1994
Major: Chemistry (overall GPA: 3.50)
Master’s Thesis: “Solvent Isotope Effects on the Reduction of Lipoxygenase by Alkylhydroxylamines.”
Bachelor’s Degree: Lycoming College, Williamsport, PA 1983 - 1987
Majors (2): Chemistry & Biology (*GPA’s: 4.0 & 3.9, overall GPA: 3.94) Graduated Summa Cum Laude, with Honors
Teaching Experience
Susquehanna University, Selinsgrove, PA - Fall 2007 – present
Associate Professor and Tenure – August 2013
Bucknell University, Lewisburg, PA - Fall 2006 – Fall 2007
Visiting Assistant Professor - Instructed students in the fundamental principles of general inorganic chemistry and introduction to organic chemistry, including qualitative and quantitative laboratory experiments.
Lycoming College, Williamsport, PA - 1993 – Spring 2006
Part-time Laboratory Instructor - Instructed students in general chemistry and basic analytical and organic chemistry laboratory principles and practices.
Undergraduate Educational Honors Awards
Summa Cum Laude - Graduation with Honors Lycoming College (1987). In recognition of outstanding performance in all course work completed at Lycoming College.
Outstanding Senior Chemistry Major of the Year Lycoming College (1987). Chosen by chemistry faculty of Lycoming College to receive recognition by the Susquehanna Valley Section of the American Chemical Society.
The John C. McCune Memorial Prize in Chemistry Lycoming College (1987). In recognition of outstanding personal achievement and contribution to Lycoming College - Highest average in chemistry.
The Byron C. Brunstetter Science Award Lycoming College (1987). In recognition of outstanding personal achievement and contribution to Lycoming College - Outstanding achievement in chemical and biological sciences.
Certificate of Achievement Lycoming College (1987). In recognition of successful completion of requirements for Lycoming Scholars.
Certificate of Achievement Lycoming College (1987). In recognition of outstanding academic achievement during senior year - Dean’s List.
Phi Kappa Phi (National Honor Society) Lycoming College (1986—1987)
Lycoming Scholars Program (1983–1987). Offered to select students who wish to complete a college education with more vigorous academic requirements, including special seminars and advanced courses.
Beta Beta Beta (National Biology Honor Society), (1984—1987) Elected Treasurer (1986–1987)
Chemistry Advisory Committee Lycoming College (1987). Selected to be a member to provide input into courses, program, and requirements of the chemistry department
Phi Sigma Tau (National Philosophy Honor Society) 1986–1987
Gold Key Freshman Scholastic Honor Society, 1984. Award given for superior academic achievement.
Dean’s List - all semesters, 1983 – 1987
Professional Experience
Merck & Co., Inc., Riverside, PA - 1987 – 2005
Senior Scientist (2000 – 2005) – in Technical Operations Department, Chemistry Section–develop and validate analytical methods, implement on-line instrumentation for improved process control, develop cleaning methods, resolve batch atypicals, and provide other analytical support as needed. Also responsible for purchase of analytical laboratory equipment for analytical method improvements.
Senior Scientist (1994 – 2000) – in Technical Operations Department, Waste Treatment Section, developed and performed projects involving improvements in existing processes, improved methods of process control, and resolved manufacturing and wastewater treatment problems. Included supervision of several laboratory technicians. Also responsible for purchase of analytical laboratory equipment for analytical method improvements.
Chemist (1991-1994) – in the Technical Operations Department, projects involved development of improvements in existing processes, improved methods of process control, and resolution of severe manufacturing and wastewater treatment problems. Included supervision of several laboratory technicians.
Waste Treatment Lab Technician (1990 – 1991) – employed a variety of standard analytical methods for the analysis of wastewater and raw materials samples.
In-Process Lab Technician (1987-1990) – employed a variety of analytical techniques and instruments to perform testing of samples taken during pharmaceutical processing.
Related Professional Experience
Visible Emission Evaluation Field Certification, Allentown PA - every 6 months from 1995-2000
Leader of Near Infrared On-line Probe Project Team for monitoring the drying process of INVANZ production at Merck & Co., Inc in Danville, PA.
Leader of Wastewater Treatment Support Team for optimization and improvements to the wastewater treatment facility at Merck & Co., Inc. in Danville, PA.
Professional Honors
Merck Award For Excellence, 2003. Awarded for timely development and validation of two assays to satisfy the requirements of Process Change Request in time to permit its implementation, contributing toward a significant productivity improvement.
Publications (* Susquehanna University undergraduate co-authors)
Daniel D. Maeng, Lou Ann Tom, Eric A. Wright. Patient characteristics and healthcare utilization patterns associated with unused medications among Medicare patients. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy, 13 (2017), 1090-1094.
Lou Ann Tom, Nicole A. Schneck*, and Carla Walter.* Improving the imprinting effect by optimizing template:monomer:cross-linker ratios in a molecularly imprinted polymer for sulfadimethoxine. J. Chromat. B. 909, 2012, 61-64.
Lou Ann Tom, Chelsea L. Gerard*, Colin M. Hutchison*, Amanda S. Brooker*. Development of a Novel Molecularly Imprinted Polymer for the Retention of 4,6-Dimethyldibenzothiophene. Microchimica Acta, 176. 2012, 375-380.
Lou Ann Tom and Natalie Foster. Development of a Molecularly Imprinted Polymer for the Analysis of Avermectin. Analytica Chimica Acta, 680, 2010, 79–85.
M. J. Higgins, L. A. Miller, and D. C. Sobeck. “Case Study I: Application of the Divalent Cation Bridging Theory to Improve Biofloc Properties and Industrial Activated Sludge System Performance - Direct Addition of Divalent Cations” Water Environment Research, 76 (4), July/August 2004, 344-352.
105 proprietary technical papers (comparable to scientific journal articles) reporting the development and results of scientific studies conducted in the Technical Operations Analytical and Wastewater Treatment Laboratories at Merck & Co., Inc. (Examples available upon request).
Yearly revisions to the Susquehanna University General Chemistry 101 and 102 laboratory manuals to include improvements to existing lab experiments and some new additions to be used in all lab sections for the next academic year.
Manuscripts currently being written for publication
Matt Persons, Lou Ann Tom, Justin Stover*, Lindsay Dunkle.* Preliminary identification of volatile compounds in silk of the wolf spider Tigrosa helluo (Araneae, Lycosidae), to be submitted to Journal of Arachnology.
Jan Reichard-Brown, Lou Ann Tom, Hannah Spinner*, Debra Losey*, and Courtney Conrad*. Pre-Treatment of Sea Urchin Sperm with Thalidomide Results in Abnormal Development to be submitted to Birth Defects Research B; Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology.
Manuscripts submitted for publication
Oliver M. Beale*, Erica R. Juliano*, Arden Lee*, Tylinn Bitner*, and Lou Ann Tom. Photocatalytic Degradation of Warfarin Pure and Pills submitted to Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology, July 3, 2019. Rejected. Being rewritten and resubmitted in a different journal 2020.
Conferences and Presentations
Lou Ann Tom, Tylinn Bitner, Sydney Daigle. Poster presentation: “Photocatalytic degradation of pharmaceuticals in acid and base solutions.” 257th American Chemical Society National Meeting and Exposition, Orlando, FL, March 31 – April 4, 2019.
Lou Ann Tom, Sydney Daigle, Tylinn Bitner, Matthew Persons. Poster presentation: “Analysis of heavy metal accumulation in wolf spiders with graphite furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy.” 257th American Chemical Society National Meeting and Exposition, Orlando, FL, March 31 – April 4, 2019.
Lou Ann Tom. Geisinger’s Medication Take Back Coalition. Invited presentation “Photocatalytic Degradation of Common Pharmaceuticals” Dec. 13, 2018, at Geisinger Medical Center, Danville, PA.
Tylinn Bitner, Sydney Daigle, Lou Ann Tom, and Matthew Persons, “Analysis of Heavy Metal Accumulation in Wolf Spiders using Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy.” Poster presentation at the 13th Annual Susquehanna River Symposium at Bucknell University, PA, Oct 26-27, 2018.
Sydney Bard, Edward A. Zovinka, Lou Ann Tom, Poster Presentation: “Photocatalytic Degradation of Common Pharmaceuticals.” 255th American Chemical Society National Meeting and Exposition, New Orleans, LA, March 18-22, 2018, and also Sr. Scholar’s Day at SU on April 24, 2018.
Aminah Muhammad, Lou Ann Tom, Matthew Persons, Poster Presentation “Preliminary identification of volatiles produced by the nursery-web spider Pisaurina mira.” at NCUR April 4-7, 2018, University of Central Oklahoma, and also Sr. Scholar’s Day at SU on April 24, 2018.
Caroline Stepanik and Lou Ann Tom, Poster Presentation “Preparation of a Molecularly Imprinted Polymer for the Selective Retention of Esfenvalerate” at the Freshwater Research Initiative celebration/recognition, April 13, 2018, and also Sr. Scholar’s Day at SU on April 24, 2018.
Peyton Kemblara, Alyssa Packer, Lou Ann Tom, Poster Presentation “The Effect of Drought Stress and Herbivory on VOC Emission in Phaseolus lunatus (Lima Bean): a Qualitative Analysis” at NCUR April 4-7, 2018, University of Central Oklahoma, and also Sr. Scholar’s Day at SU on April 24, 2018.
Tylinn Bitner, Sydney Daigle, Lou Ann Tom, Matthew Persons, Poster Presentation “Analysis of Heavy Metal Accumulation in Wolf Spiders from Surface Mining Ponds” at the Freshwater Research Initiative celebration/recognition, April 13, 2018.
Tylinn Bitner, Aminah Muhammad, Lou Ann Tom, and Matthew Persons, “Analysis of Heavy Metal Accumulation in Wolf Spiders from Surface Mining Ponds and Analysis of Volatiles from Non-Contaminated Spiders”. Poster presentation at the 12th Annual Susquehanna River Symposium at Bucknell University, PA Nov 10-11, 2017.
Arden Lee, Kayla Sincavage, Lou Ann Tom, Poster Presentation “Microtox® Analysis of Toxicity Levels of Common Pharmaceutical Drugs after Photocatalytic Degradation through Ultraviolet Radiation” at Senior Scholars Day, April 25, 2017.
Kayla Sincavage, Arden Lee, and Lou Ann Tom, PhD., Poster Presentation “The Photocatalytic Degradation of Common Pharmaceuticals” at Senior Scholars Day, April 25, 2017.
Lou Ann Tom, Oliver Beale, Mbelu Kalala, Erica Juliano. Poster presentation: “Photocatalytic degradation of common pharmaceuticals for disposal.” 253rd American Chemical Society National Meeting and Exposition, San Francisco, April 2, 2017.
Lou Ann Tom, Lycoming College Chemistry seminar. Oral Presentation: “Photocatalytic Degradation of Common Pharmaceuticals and Analysis of Susquehanna River Water, and Spiders!” March 24, 2017, Lycoming College, Williamsport, PA.
Honor Society, Invited to speak at the Honors Program semi-annual 360 Second Lecture series, March 2017.
Nicholas Trotter and Lou Ann Tom, Analysis of Susquehanna River Water for Metals using Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy. Poster presentation at the 11th Annual Susquehanna River Symposium at Bucknell University, PA Nov 11-12, 2016.
Nicholas Trotter and Lou Ann Tom, Analysis of Susquehanna River Water for Metals using Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy. Poster presentation at the Freshwater Research Initiative – Precision Conservation: A Workshop on Best Management Practices for Restoring Impaired Watersheds in PA, Sept 16, 2016.
Lou Ann Tom, American Chemical Society Susquehanna Valley Section Meeting, Bucknell University. Oral Presentation: “Photocatalytic Degradation of Common Pharmaceuticals and Analysis of Susquehanna River Water, and Spiders!” Sept 14, 2016.
Photocatalytic Degradation of Sulfamethoxazole, Student poster presentation by Matthew Botts at the 30th Annual National Conference on Undergraduate Research at University of North Carolina, Asheville, April 7-9, 2016 and at Sr. Scholar’s Day at SU on April 19, 2016.
Evaluation of Dissolved and Suspended Metals in Water Samples from Seven Locations Across the Upper Main Stem of the Susquehanna River near Sunbury, PA, Student poster presentation by Oliver Beale at the 10th Annual Susquehanna River Symposium at Bucknell University, PA Nov 13-14, 2015.
Susquehanna River Heartland Coalition for Environmental Studies meeting Invited presentation “Photocatalytic Degradation of Common Pharmaceuticals and Analysis of Susquehanna River Water” October 23, 2015, at SEDA-COG, Lewisburg, PA.
Drug Take Back Program. Invited presentation “Photocatalytic Degradation of Common Pharmaceuticals” October 21, 2015, at Geisinger Medical Center, Danville, PA.
Photocatalytic Degradation of Common Pharmaceuticals. Student poster presentation by Oliver Beale and coauthored by Lou Ann Tom at the 7th Annual Landmark Conference Summer Research Symposium, July 23, 2015, at Goucher College.
Preparation of a Molecularly Imprinted Polymer for the Selective Retention of Insecticides Esfenvalerate and Cyfluthrin, Student poster presentation by William LeMasters in April 2015, at Sr. Scholar’s Day at SU.
Photocatalytic degradation rates of pharmaceuticals frequently disposed by the public. Poster presentation by Mbelu Kalala (co-author Erica Julianno) at the 29th Annual National Conference on Undergraduate Research at Eastern Washington University in April 2015, and at Sr. Scholar’s Day at SU.
Preliminary Evaluation of Dissolved and Suspended Metals in Water Samples from Seven Locations Across the Upper Main Stem of the Susquehanna River near Sunbury, PA, Student poster presentation by Kristen M. Benitez (co-author Amir Y. Awali) at the 29th Annual National Conference on Undergraduate Research at Eastern Washington University in April 2015 and at Sr. Scholar’s Day at SU.
Preliminary Evaluation of Dissolved and Suspended Metals in Water Samples from Seven Locations Across the Upper Main Stem of the Susquehanna River near Sunbury, PA, Student poster presentation by Kristen M. Benitez and Amir Y. Alwali at the 9th Annual Susquehanna River Symposium at Bucknell University, PA, Nov 21-22, 2014.
Preliminary Identification of a Volatile Silk-based Sex Pheromone of the Wolf Spider Tigrosa helluo, Student poster presentation by Rizwan Khan, Nick Van Nest, and faculty co-author Matthew Persons at the 28th National Conference on Undergraduate Research at the University of Kentucky, April 3-5, 2014.
Preparation of a Molecularly Imprinted Polymer for the Selective Retention of the Insecticide Fenvalerate, Student poster presentation by Alex Rhodes and coauthored by Lou Ann Tom at the 28th National Conference on Undergraduate Research at the University of Kentucky, April 3-5, 2014.
Preliminary Identification of a Volatile Silk-based Sex Pheromone of the Wolf Spider Tigrosa helluo, Student poster presentation by Rizwan Khan, Nick Van Nest, and faculty co-author Matthew Persons at the 90th Pennsylvania Academy of Science Annual Meeting, Susquehanna University, March 21-23, 2014.
Preparation of a Molecularly Imprinted Polymer for the Selective Retention of the Insecticide Fenvalerate, Student poster presentation by Alex Rhodes and coauthored by Lou Ann Tom at the 90th Pennsylvania Academy of Science Annual Meeting, Susquehanna University, March 21-23, 2014.
Development of Molecularly Imprinted Polymers for Detection of Low Levels of Pharmaceuticals, Pesticides, and Sulfur Compounds, presented as a seminar at the Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant, Feb. 24, 2014.
SU SAS lunch research presentation, Development of Molecularly Imprinted Polymers for Detection of Low Levels of Pesticides and Pharmaceuticals, October 2013.
Preliminary identification of a sex pheromone in the wolf spider, Tigrosa helluo, Co-author on poster presentation by Matthew H. Persons, at the American Arachnological Society National Meeting in Johnson City, TN, in July 2013.
Preparation of a Molecularly Imprinted Polymer for Lambda-Cyhalothrin. Student poster presentation by Lindsay Dunkle and coauthored by Lou Ann Tom at the 245th National American Chemical Society Meeting in New Orleans, LA, April 7, 2013.
Preparation of a Molecularly Imprinted Polymer for Lambda-Cyhalothrin. Student poster presentation by Lindsay Dunkle and coauthored by Lou Ann Tom at the 4th Annual Landmark Conference Summer Research Symposium in Summer 2012 at Moravian College.
Preparation of Novel Molecularly Imprinted Polymers for Retention of S-Ketoprofen and of 4,6-Dimethyldibenzothiophene. Student poster presentation by Brian Lysy and coauthored by Lou Ann Tom at the 243rd National American Chemical Society Meeting in San Diego, CA, March 24 – 20, 2012.
Preliminary Identification of a Sex Pheromone in the Wolf Spider, Hogna helluo. Student poster presentation by Justin Stover, Lindsay Dunkle, Matthew Persons and coauthored by Lou Ann Tom at the National Conference of Undergraduate Research at Weber State University, UT, March 22 – 24, 2012.
Preparation of Imprinted Emulsion Polymers for 4,6 –Dimethyldibenzothiophene and S-Ketoprofen. Student poster presentation by Brian Lysy and coauthored by Lou Ann Tom at the 3rd Annual Landmark Conference Summer Research Symposium at Goucher College, in Summer 2011.
Preparation of an Improved Molecularly Imprinted Polymer for Retention of Organosulfur Compounds. Student poster presentation by Nikki Schneck and coauthored by Lou Ann Tom at the 241st National American Chemical Society meeting in Anaheim, CA, March 27 – 30, 2011.
Development of a Molecularly Imprinted Polymer for the Analysis of Avermectin by Lou Ann Tom and Natalie Foster. Poster presentation by Lou Ann Tom at the 6th International Meeting on Molecular Imprinting meeting in New Orleans, LA, August 2010.
Preparation of b-Cyclodextrin Molecularly Imprinted Polymers for Separation of Ketoprofen Enantiomers. Student poster presentation by Kristen Prozialeck and and coauthored by Lou Ann Tom at the 239th National American Chemical Society Meeting and Exposition in San Francisco, CA, in Spring 2010.
Preparation and Evaluation of a Novel Molecularly Imprinted Polymer for the Retention of Organosulfur Compounds. Student poster presentation by Chelsea L. Gerard and coauthored by Lou Ann Tom at the 239th National American Chemical Society Meeting and Exposition in San Francisco, CA, in Spring 2010.
Synthesis of Nickel (II) Methacryloylhistidinedihydrate Complex for the Development of a Molecularly Imprinted Polymer for Removal of 4,6‑Dimethyldibenzothiophene from Fuel. Student poster presentation by Nikki Schneck and coauthored by Lou Ann Tom at the First Annual Landmark Conference Summer Research Symposium in Summer 2009 at Susquehanna University. Student won third place award for poster session.
Development of a Molecularly Imprinted Polymer for Retention of 4,6 Dimethyldibenzothiophene. Student poster presentation by Amanda Brooker and coauthored by Lou Ann Tom at the 237th National American Chemical Society Meeting and Exposition in Salt Lake City, UT, in Spring 2009.
Preparation of Molecularly Imprinted Polymers for Separation of Ketoprofen Enantiomers from Similar Compounds. Student poster presentation by Matthew Campbell and coauthored by Lou Ann Tom at the 237th National American Chemical Society Meeting and Exposition in Salt Lake City, UT, in Spring 2009.
Development of a Molecularly Imprinted Polymer for the Analysis of Sulfadimethoxine. Student poster presentation by Carla Walter and coauthored by Lou Ann Tom at the 22nd National Conference of Undergraduate Research (NCUR) at Salisbury University, MD, in in Spring 2008.
Improving Industrial Wastewater Treatment using Divalent Cation Addition. Oral presentation by Lou Ann (Miller) Tom and Matthew J Higgins at the Water Environment Federation, 72nd Annual Water Environment Federation Conference and Exposition (WEFTEC 1999), New Orleans, LA, 1999.
Current Scholarship with students
Photocatalytic degradation of pharmaceuticals (especially opiods) to determine if a practical, bench top method of disposal is a reasonable alternative to expensive incineration. To investigate the fastest method as a practical option for each drug, degradation of the pill form, which includes excipients and other non-active ingredients, will be investigated to compare the rate of degradation of the drugs in the form which is available to the public with the rate of pure compounds.
New Project: Evaluating of the use of acid mine draining residuals (i.e., iron oxides) to improve pharmaceutical degradation Municipal wastewater (MWW) effluent, direct sewage discharges, and acid mine drainage (AMD). The goal of this work is to begin to determine if mixing acid mine drainage residuals (i.e., iron oxides) with pharmaceuticals improves CEC degradation by UV treatment.
Analysis of spiders and dirt for heavy metals. The accumulation of heavy metals in indicator species, such as Wolf Spiders, is being studied to determine if levels of cadmium, and other heavy metals, can be detected. Detection of metals can provide information on the potential transfer of metals in the food chain. Spiders and soil have been collected from several brownfield sites, will be dried and extracted, and will be analyzed by AA and ICP/MS for a variety of other metals.
Identification of sex pheromones in the Pisaurina mira. Spider-produced chemical cues potentially have commercial value since they serve as a means of increasing local densities of spiders within crops or by serving as repellents and antifeedants to crop pests. Volatiles emanating from adult and subadult male and female live spiders are being collected by Solid Phase Microextraction and analyzed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) to identify compounds that may be used for potential natural crop pesticides.
Preparation of a non-covalent molecularly imprinted polymers for the detection of low levels of insecticides and pharmaceuticals of environmental concern.
Funding Received
NSF-MRI (July 2020). $391,544 In Collaboration with Bucknell University faculty “Acquisition of a Quadrupole/Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer with Ion Mobility Separations for Faculty and Student Research in the Susquehanna Valley” to support a broad array of research programs, including projects in environmental chemistry and engineering, chemical signaling and metabolomics, and studies of designed chemical and biochemical systems. Research within this proposal will inform air quality policy and climate processes; improve safe handling of unused pharmaceuticals; increase resource recovery from waste biomass; support fundamental understanding of biological responses to infection and disease; and inform synthetic pathways for macromolecules, supramolecular structures, and metallotherapeutic platforms.
Susquehanna University Mini Grant (Feb 2020) $1000 for “Does mixing acid mine drainage or acid mine drainage residuals (i.e., iron oxides) with municipal wastewater or direct sewage discharges improve pharmaceutical removal. “
Degenstein Foundation Summer Research Grant (June – Aug 2020). Improving Photocatalytic Degradation Rates of Opioids and other Pharmaceuticals. Degradation of common pharmaceuticals will be evaluated to determine if it could be used as a practical method of disposal as an alternative to incineration. Includes a student stipend of $3400 ($8.50/hr. for 10 weeks) and housing.
Susquehanna University Mini Grant (Feb 2020) $1000 for Evaluation of the use of acid mine drainage residuals (i.e., iron oxides) to improve pharmaceutical degradation. Received $1000 for the purchase of contaminants of emerging concern (CEC) and instrumental supplies for pharmaceutical destruction studies.
March Fellowship in Ethical Leadership (2020) ($6500) Scientific and Ethical Leadership in Chemistry. To help prepare students ethical decisions in chemistry, three workshops were planned. The first was a workshop designed for science students currently enrolled at SU and would address some of the ethical issues that science students face currently. Open discussion of the topics would be encouraged with guidance provided by one student and Dr. Tom, with emphasis not only on the specific ethical issues in classes and research but also on students helping others to make good decisions by example. Other workshops were cancelled due to the transition to on-line learning in the spring of 2020. The student did make a final presentation at Senior Scholar’s day summarizing the successes at the workshops by helping students to gain a new or enhanced understanding of the ethics they currently face and will face in their future and to escalate the personal integrity and leadership of the current SU students through discussion and understanding and hope they will carry this on to the careers they pursue after graduation.
Susquehanna University Mini Grant (Jan 2019) $1000 for Photodegradation of Opiates. Received $1000 for the purchase of opiates for pharmaceutical destruction studies.
NSF-MRI (Aug 2018 - July 2021) $396,300 In Collaboration with Bucknell University faculty “MRI: Acquisition of LA-ICP-MS to support research in environmental and engineered systems, geology and environmental geosciences, and chemistry for a sustainable future.” Acquired a laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (LA-ICP-MS) to support research that requires the measurement of elemental/isotopic abundances and ratios and the characterization of their partitioning, fate, and transport in samples relevant to the environment, human health, and the geologic evolution of Earth.
Susquehanna University Mini Grant (October 2017) $1000 for Analysis of cadmium and heavy metal accumulation in Spiders as indicator of Bioaccumulation. Received $1000 for the purchase of cadmium HCL for AA, a SPME fiber, and misc. supplies.
Foundation for Pennsylvania Watersheds Grant (2016) $15000. Photocatalytic Degradation Rates of Pharmaceuticals Frequently Disposed by the Public, and Evaluation of Pharmaceuticals in Water from the Susquehanna River near Sunbury, PA
Center for Teaching and Learning Mini-Grant to develop a course (2016) ($500)
Center for Teaching and Learning Fellowship-Grant to help other faculty to develop a course (2016) ($500)
Center for Teaching and Learning Software/Hardware Grant for pedagogical innovation (2016) ($250)
Susquehanna University Mini Grant (Septr 2015) $1000 for Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products (PPCPs) in the Susquehanna River for the purchase of pure pharmaceutical compounds for HPLC calibration and photochemical destruction studies.
Susquehanna University Mini Grant (April 2015) for Rayonet mini reactor and 8 RMR-2537a lamps and safety shield for photocatalytic degradation of pharmaceuticals is being studied to determine if a practical, bench-top method of disposal is a reasonable alternative to expensive incineration.
Susquehanna University Summer Research Partners Funding (2015) for Photocatalytic Degradation Rates of Pharmaceuticals Frequently Disposed by the Public, and Evaluation of Metals in Water from Seven Locations across the Upper Main Stem of the Susquehanna River near Sunbury, PA. Funding included student stipend ($3000) plus housing plus $1,000 supplies.
Richard King Mellon Foundation for the Susquehanna University Freshwater Science Research Initiative, for $5,500,000. Submitted Jan 2013, received 2014. In collaboration with Jonathan Niles, Carlos Iudica, Jack Holt, and Ahmed Lachhab for the purpose of developing a 3 year Freshwater Research Initiative that will serve as a collaborative water research project in the Susquehanna River basin. This project is focused on answering and finding solutions to the ecological questions that are currently impairing the river and its tributaries.
Susquehanna University Mini Grant (2014) $1000 for investigation of Identification of sex pheromones in the wolf spider, Tigrosa helluo. Purchased Solid Phase Microextraction Fiber Holder, GC/MS inlet liner and 3 fiber assortment kit.
Susquehanna University Mini Grant (2012) $1000 for Origin 8.5, a software program for departmental analytic needs, including peak analysis, curve fitting, statistics, and signal processing; and for a pump to be used in the CLSA for efficient data collection of pheromones from the live spiders.
Susquehanna University Grant (2011-2013) $6600 for Development of a Practical Molecularly Imprinted Polymer for the removal of 4,6-Dimethyldibenzothiophene and other organosulfur compounds from fuel.
Susquehanna University Summer Research Partners Funding (2012) for investigation of several different polymerization techniques for Preliminary Identification of a Sex Pheromone in the Wolf Spider, Hogna helluo and also for preparing molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) for the desulfurization of 4,6-dimethyldibenzothiophene from fuel. Funding included student stipend plus housing plus $1,500 supplies.
Susquehanna University Summer Research Partners Funding (2011) for investigation of several different polymerization techniques for preparing molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) for the desulfurization of 4,6-dimethyldibenzothiophene from fuel. Funding included student stipend plus housing plus $1,500 supplies.
Susquehanna University Summer Research Partners Funding (2009) for evaluation and improvement of a molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP) for the desulfurization of organosulfur compounds from transportation fuels. Funding included student stipend plus housing plus $1,500 supplies.
Susquehanna University Summer Research Partners Funding (2008) for development of a molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP) for the desulfurization of organosulfur compounds from transportation fuels. Funding included student stipend plus housing plus $1,500 supplies.
University, School and Community Service
Development and Co-Director of a GO short program entitled “GO Five-O: Our Fiftieth State. A Three Prong Approach to Understanding Hawaiian Culture” to provide an opportunity for SU students to complete the cross-cultural experience requirement. Over 120 students have successfully completed the program since its initiation.
Advisory Committee on Intercollegiate Athletics member, fall 2018 - 2021. Chair 2019 and 2020. To advise the Director of Athletics and the President as to the philosophy, objectives, budget, policy, and scheduling of intercollegiate athletics.
Academic Honesty Judicial Board member spring 2016 - 2020. Chair 2019 – 2020.
Search committee member to hire the new Athletic Director, fall 2019 – summer 2020.
Attended training session to learn official scorekeeping, and then scorekeeper for SU home volleyball matches. Also 15 passenger van-driver for away matches as needed in fall semester, 2019. Statistician.
The Department of Mathematical Sciences Search Committee member for two positions as a Visiting Professor and for a tenure-track position as Assistant Professor beginning fall of 2017 and again in fall 2018.
Student-focused group supporting women in STEM fields, Committee Member, Participate in a student-focused group supporting women in STEM fields. Participated in a panel discussion with Susquehanna University students ready to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM)., Sept 1, 2016.
Committee on Teaching and Learning, Made a CTL lunchtime presentation to faculty entitled “Flipping Instrumental Analysis – Chemistry 430.” Discussed the pros and cons of flipping the classroom to use in-class time on problems and discussion.
Faculty Advisor to SU Womens Varsity Softball Team, spring 2016 – present.
Instrumental maintenance of many departmental analytical instruments, including 3 HPLCs, GC/MS, AA, UV, two FTIRs, an IC and various other smaller pieces of equipment.
Participated in all Susquehanna Success Days, Admission Open Houses, and all Accepted Students Days.
Member of numerous Chemistry tenure Track Search Committees.
Committee on Faculty Elections, spring 2009 – present. Chair 2009-2010 and 2012-2015.
Member of Academic Standing Committee, 2008 – 2014.
GO Program Director Search Committee, Committee Member (Aug. – Sept. 2013).
Claritas Distinguished Visitor in the Sciences Steering Committee member, 2008-2012.
Faculty Meeting Secretary, fall 2011 – spring 2012.
Science Action Day chemistry program for high school students, October 2012.
CSIU summer sessions, taught local science teachers how to use Guided-Inquiry-Based techniques to teach chemistry to high-school students. (June 2010, June 2011, June 2012).
Summer Preview Days: Conducted many sessions during summer 2008 – present to welcome first year students and to provide general advising sessions as part of their day long introduction to SU.
Co-organized and hosted all annual Chemistry Department Diversity Awareness Dinners, 2008 – 2010.
Helped to start a research writing group which meets weekly to ensure accountability in scholarship among faculty colleagues, 2009 – present.
Participated in ShUmanitarians “Nothing but Nets” fundraising volleyball tournament to help raise money for nets to fight malaria in Africa.
Participated in 33rd Annual SU Golf Classic fund raiser for Northumberland Snyder Counties Special Olympics, 2008.
Participated in SU intramural volleyball league on faculty/coach team (2008 and 2009).
Professional Memberships
Geisinger Medication Take-Back Program, quarterly meetings with a group of many concerned agencies to discuss strategies for reducing the waste and abuse of prescription medicines. (2015 – present)
Susquehanna River Heartland Coalition for Environmental Studies - a collaboration of professors and students working together to research and study the ecological conditions and processes in the watershed, to create educational opportunities to promote student interest and involvement in natural resources of the Susquehanna river watershed, and connecting with local communities and environmental organizations. (2015 – present)
Gamma Sigma Epsilon Chemistry Honor Society, member Rho Delta Chapter (2003 – present)
American Chemical Society member (1993 – present)
Sigma Xi Scientific Research Society associate member (1993 – present)
Society for Molecular Imprinting member (2003 – present)
- CHEM-103: General Chemistry I
- CHEM-104: General Chemistry II
- CHEM-105: General Chemistry I Lab
- CHEM-106: General Chemistry II Lab
- CHEM-111: General Chemistry I Wrokshop
- CHEM-200: Research Exploration
- CHEM-221L: Organic Chemistry I Lab
- CHEM-305: Forensic Chemistry
- CHEM-400: Research Experience
- CHEM-430: Instrumental Analysis
- CHEM-500: Problems in Chemistry and Biochemistry
- CHEM-505: Seminar
- FYSE-101: First Year Seminar
- HONS-260: Sophomore Colloquium I
- HONS-261: Sophomore Colloquium II
About Me
I joined Susquehanna University in 2007 after working as a chemist/senior scientist at Merck & Co. Inc. for 19 years, holding a variety of positions and working with validation of analytical methods, online instrumentation, environmental and wastewater treatment issues and other analytical support as needed.
After joining the faculty at SU, my research was in developing molecularly imprinted polymers designed to detect low concentrations of pharmaceuticals and pesticides in environmental waters, and to investigate the potential for removal of sulfur-containing compounds from diesel fuel for pollution concerns.
My research with students expanded to include investigation into photocatalytic degradation of common pharmaceuticals for disposal. There is potential for misuse and improper disposal of drugs left unused by patients, and therefore environmental contamination is possible. Photodegradation of drugs by UV radiation followed by high-pressure liquid chromatography analysis is being studied as a convenient method to reduce the cost of disposal and to reduce the risk of improper disposal.
Two additional research projects involve analyses using spiders. The elucidation of pheromones in spiders is being investigated using solid phase microextraction followed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry to potentially lead to the development of novel and natural pesticides against crop pests. The accumulation of heavy metals in spiders collected from brownfield sites is also being studied using atomic absorption spectroscopy and inductively coupled plasma/mass spectrometry to determine if levels of heavy metals can provide information on the potential transfer of metals in the food chain.
Professional Experience
Ph.D.: Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA 1995 – 2005
Major: Chemistry (overall GPA: 3.98)
Doctorate Thesis: “Development of a Molecularly Imprinted Polymer (MIP) for the Analysis of Avermectin”
Master’s Degree: Bucknell University, Lewisburg, PA 1987 - 1994
Major: Chemistry (overall GPA: 3.50)
Master’s Thesis: “Solvent Isotope Effects on the Reduction of Lipoxygenase by Alkylhydroxylamines.”
Bachelor’s Degree: Lycoming College, Williamsport, PA 1983 - 1987
Majors (2): Chemistry & Biology (*GPA’s: 4.0 & 3.9, overall GPA: 3.94) Graduated Summa Cum Laude, with Honors
Teaching Experience
Susquehanna University, Selinsgrove, PA - Fall 2007 – present
Associate Professor and Tenure – August 2013
Bucknell University, Lewisburg, PA - Fall 2006 – Fall 2007
Visiting Assistant Professor - Instructed students in the fundamental principles of general inorganic chemistry and introduction to organic chemistry, including qualitative and quantitative laboratory experiments.
Lycoming College, Williamsport, PA - 1993 – Spring 2006
Part-time Laboratory Instructor - Instructed students in general chemistry and basic analytical and organic chemistry laboratory principles and practices.
Undergraduate Educational Honors Awards
Summa Cum Laude - Graduation with Honors Lycoming College (1987). In recognition of outstanding performance in all course work completed at Lycoming College.
Outstanding Senior Chemistry Major of the Year Lycoming College (1987). Chosen by chemistry faculty of Lycoming College to receive recognition by the Susquehanna Valley Section of the American Chemical Society.
The John C. McCune Memorial Prize in Chemistry Lycoming College (1987). In recognition of outstanding personal achievement and contribution to Lycoming College - Highest average in chemistry.
The Byron C. Brunstetter Science Award Lycoming College (1987). In recognition of outstanding personal achievement and contribution to Lycoming College - Outstanding achievement in chemical and biological sciences.
Certificate of Achievement Lycoming College (1987). In recognition of successful completion of requirements for Lycoming Scholars.
Certificate of Achievement Lycoming College (1987). In recognition of outstanding academic achievement during senior year - Dean’s List.
Phi Kappa Phi (National Honor Society) Lycoming College (1986—1987)
Lycoming Scholars Program (1983–1987). Offered to select students who wish to complete a college education with more vigorous academic requirements, including special seminars and advanced courses.
Beta Beta Beta (National Biology Honor Society), (1984—1987) Elected Treasurer (1986–1987)
Chemistry Advisory Committee Lycoming College (1987). Selected to be a member to provide input into courses, program, and requirements of the chemistry department
Phi Sigma Tau (National Philosophy Honor Society) 1986–1987
Gold Key Freshman Scholastic Honor Society, 1984. Award given for superior academic achievement.
Dean’s List - all semesters, 1983 – 1987
Professional Experience
Merck & Co., Inc., Riverside, PA - 1987 – 2005
Senior Scientist (2000 – 2005) – in Technical Operations Department, Chemistry Section–develop and validate analytical methods, implement on-line instrumentation for improved process control, develop cleaning methods, resolve batch atypicals, and provide other analytical support as needed. Also responsible for purchase of analytical laboratory equipment for analytical method improvements.
Senior Scientist (1994 – 2000) – in Technical Operations Department, Waste Treatment Section, developed and performed projects involving improvements in existing processes, improved methods of process control, and resolved manufacturing and wastewater treatment problems. Included supervision of several laboratory technicians. Also responsible for purchase of analytical laboratory equipment for analytical method improvements.
Chemist (1991-1994) – in the Technical Operations Department, projects involved development of improvements in existing processes, improved methods of process control, and resolution of severe manufacturing and wastewater treatment problems. Included supervision of several laboratory technicians.
Waste Treatment Lab Technician (1990 – 1991) – employed a variety of standard analytical methods for the analysis of wastewater and raw materials samples.
In-Process Lab Technician (1987-1990) – employed a variety of analytical techniques and instruments to perform testing of samples taken during pharmaceutical processing.
Related Professional Experience
Visible Emission Evaluation Field Certification, Allentown PA - every 6 months from 1995-2000
Leader of Near Infrared On-line Probe Project Team for monitoring the drying process of INVANZ production at Merck & Co., Inc in Danville, PA.
Leader of Wastewater Treatment Support Team for optimization and improvements to the wastewater treatment facility at Merck & Co., Inc. in Danville, PA.
Professional Honors
Merck Award For Excellence, 2003. Awarded for timely development and validation of two assays to satisfy the requirements of Process Change Request in time to permit its implementation, contributing toward a significant productivity improvement.
Publications (* Susquehanna University undergraduate co-authors)
Daniel D. Maeng, Lou Ann Tom, Eric A. Wright. Patient characteristics and healthcare utilization patterns associated with unused medications among Medicare patients. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy, 13 (2017), 1090-1094.
Lou Ann Tom, Nicole A. Schneck*, and Carla Walter.* Improving the imprinting effect by optimizing template:monomer:cross-linker ratios in a molecularly imprinted polymer for sulfadimethoxine. J. Chromat. B. 909, 2012, 61-64.
Lou Ann Tom, Chelsea L. Gerard*, Colin M. Hutchison*, Amanda S. Brooker*. Development of a Novel Molecularly Imprinted Polymer for the Retention of 4,6-Dimethyldibenzothiophene. Microchimica Acta, 176. 2012, 375-380.
Lou Ann Tom and Natalie Foster. Development of a Molecularly Imprinted Polymer for the Analysis of Avermectin. Analytica Chimica Acta, 680, 2010, 79–85.
M. J. Higgins, L. A. Miller, and D. C. Sobeck. “Case Study I: Application of the Divalent Cation Bridging Theory to Improve Biofloc Properties and Industrial Activated Sludge System Performance - Direct Addition of Divalent Cations” Water Environment Research, 76 (4), July/August 2004, 344-352.
105 proprietary technical papers (comparable to scientific journal articles) reporting the development and results of scientific studies conducted in the Technical Operations Analytical and Wastewater Treatment Laboratories at Merck & Co., Inc. (Examples available upon request).
Yearly revisions to the Susquehanna University General Chemistry 101 and 102 laboratory manuals to include improvements to existing lab experiments and some new additions to be used in all lab sections for the next academic year.
Manuscripts currently being written for publication
Matt Persons, Lou Ann Tom, Justin Stover*, Lindsay Dunkle.* Preliminary identification of volatile compounds in silk of the wolf spider Tigrosa helluo (Araneae, Lycosidae), to be submitted to Journal of Arachnology.
Jan Reichard-Brown, Lou Ann Tom, Hannah Spinner*, Debra Losey*, and Courtney Conrad*. Pre-Treatment of Sea Urchin Sperm with Thalidomide Results in Abnormal Development to be submitted to Birth Defects Research B; Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology.
Manuscripts submitted for publication
Oliver M. Beale*, Erica R. Juliano*, Arden Lee*, Tylinn Bitner*, and Lou Ann Tom. Photocatalytic Degradation of Warfarin Pure and Pills submitted to Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology, July 3, 2019. Rejected. Being rewritten and resubmitted in a different journal 2020.
Conferences and Presentations
Lou Ann Tom, Tylinn Bitner, Sydney Daigle. Poster presentation: “Photocatalytic degradation of pharmaceuticals in acid and base solutions.” 257th American Chemical Society National Meeting and Exposition, Orlando, FL, March 31 – April 4, 2019.
Lou Ann Tom, Sydney Daigle, Tylinn Bitner, Matthew Persons. Poster presentation: “Analysis of heavy metal accumulation in wolf spiders with graphite furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy.” 257th American Chemical Society National Meeting and Exposition, Orlando, FL, March 31 – April 4, 2019.
Lou Ann Tom. Geisinger’s Medication Take Back Coalition. Invited presentation “Photocatalytic Degradation of Common Pharmaceuticals” Dec. 13, 2018, at Geisinger Medical Center, Danville, PA.
Tylinn Bitner, Sydney Daigle, Lou Ann Tom, and Matthew Persons, “Analysis of Heavy Metal Accumulation in Wolf Spiders using Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy.” Poster presentation at the 13th Annual Susquehanna River Symposium at Bucknell University, PA, Oct 26-27, 2018.
Sydney Bard, Edward A. Zovinka, Lou Ann Tom, Poster Presentation: “Photocatalytic Degradation of Common Pharmaceuticals.” 255th American Chemical Society National Meeting and Exposition, New Orleans, LA, March 18-22, 2018, and also Sr. Scholar’s Day at SU on April 24, 2018.
Aminah Muhammad, Lou Ann Tom, Matthew Persons, Poster Presentation “Preliminary identification of volatiles produced by the nursery-web spider Pisaurina mira.” at NCUR April 4-7, 2018, University of Central Oklahoma, and also Sr. Scholar’s Day at SU on April 24, 2018.
Caroline Stepanik and Lou Ann Tom, Poster Presentation “Preparation of a Molecularly Imprinted Polymer for the Selective Retention of Esfenvalerate” at the Freshwater Research Initiative celebration/recognition, April 13, 2018, and also Sr. Scholar’s Day at SU on April 24, 2018.
Peyton Kemblara, Alyssa Packer, Lou Ann Tom, Poster Presentation “The Effect of Drought Stress and Herbivory on VOC Emission in Phaseolus lunatus (Lima Bean): a Qualitative Analysis” at NCUR April 4-7, 2018, University of Central Oklahoma, and also Sr. Scholar’s Day at SU on April 24, 2018.
Tylinn Bitner, Sydney Daigle, Lou Ann Tom, Matthew Persons, Poster Presentation “Analysis of Heavy Metal Accumulation in Wolf Spiders from Surface Mining Ponds” at the Freshwater Research Initiative celebration/recognition, April 13, 2018.
Tylinn Bitner, Aminah Muhammad, Lou Ann Tom, and Matthew Persons, “Analysis of Heavy Metal Accumulation in Wolf Spiders from Surface Mining Ponds and Analysis of Volatiles from Non-Contaminated Spiders”. Poster presentation at the 12th Annual Susquehanna River Symposium at Bucknell University, PA Nov 10-11, 2017.
Arden Lee, Kayla Sincavage, Lou Ann Tom, Poster Presentation “Microtox® Analysis of Toxicity Levels of Common Pharmaceutical Drugs after Photocatalytic Degradation through Ultraviolet Radiation” at Senior Scholars Day, April 25, 2017.
Kayla Sincavage, Arden Lee, and Lou Ann Tom, PhD., Poster Presentation “The Photocatalytic Degradation of Common Pharmaceuticals” at Senior Scholars Day, April 25, 2017.
Lou Ann Tom, Oliver Beale, Mbelu Kalala, Erica Juliano. Poster presentation: “Photocatalytic degradation of common pharmaceuticals for disposal.” 253rd American Chemical Society National Meeting and Exposition, San Francisco, April 2, 2017.
Lou Ann Tom, Lycoming College Chemistry seminar. Oral Presentation: “Photocatalytic Degradation of Common Pharmaceuticals and Analysis of Susquehanna River Water, and Spiders!” March 24, 2017, Lycoming College, Williamsport, PA.
Honor Society, Invited to speak at the Honors Program semi-annual 360 Second Lecture series, March 2017.
Nicholas Trotter and Lou Ann Tom, Analysis of Susquehanna River Water for Metals using Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy. Poster presentation at the 11th Annual Susquehanna River Symposium at Bucknell University, PA Nov 11-12, 2016.
Nicholas Trotter and Lou Ann Tom, Analysis of Susquehanna River Water for Metals using Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy. Poster presentation at the Freshwater Research Initiative – Precision Conservation: A Workshop on Best Management Practices for Restoring Impaired Watersheds in PA, Sept 16, 2016.
Lou Ann Tom, American Chemical Society Susquehanna Valley Section Meeting, Bucknell University. Oral Presentation: “Photocatalytic Degradation of Common Pharmaceuticals and Analysis of Susquehanna River Water, and Spiders!” Sept 14, 2016.
Photocatalytic Degradation of Sulfamethoxazole, Student poster presentation by Matthew Botts at the 30th Annual National Conference on Undergraduate Research at University of North Carolina, Asheville, April 7-9, 2016 and at Sr. Scholar’s Day at SU on April 19, 2016.
Evaluation of Dissolved and Suspended Metals in Water Samples from Seven Locations Across the Upper Main Stem of the Susquehanna River near Sunbury, PA, Student poster presentation by Oliver Beale at the 10th Annual Susquehanna River Symposium at Bucknell University, PA Nov 13-14, 2015.
Susquehanna River Heartland Coalition for Environmental Studies meeting Invited presentation “Photocatalytic Degradation of Common Pharmaceuticals and Analysis of Susquehanna River Water” October 23, 2015, at SEDA-COG, Lewisburg, PA.
Drug Take Back Program. Invited presentation “Photocatalytic Degradation of Common Pharmaceuticals” October 21, 2015, at Geisinger Medical Center, Danville, PA.
Photocatalytic Degradation of Common Pharmaceuticals. Student poster presentation by Oliver Beale and coauthored by Lou Ann Tom at the 7th Annual Landmark Conference Summer Research Symposium, July 23, 2015, at Goucher College.
Preparation of a Molecularly Imprinted Polymer for the Selective Retention of Insecticides Esfenvalerate and Cyfluthrin, Student poster presentation by William LeMasters in April 2015, at Sr. Scholar’s Day at SU.
Photocatalytic degradation rates of pharmaceuticals frequently disposed by the public. Poster presentation by Mbelu Kalala (co-author Erica Julianno) at the 29th Annual National Conference on Undergraduate Research at Eastern Washington University in April 2015, and at Sr. Scholar’s Day at SU.
Preliminary Evaluation of Dissolved and Suspended Metals in Water Samples from Seven Locations Across the Upper Main Stem of the Susquehanna River near Sunbury, PA, Student poster presentation by Kristen M. Benitez (co-author Amir Y. Awali) at the 29th Annual National Conference on Undergraduate Research at Eastern Washington University in April 2015 and at Sr. Scholar’s Day at SU.
Preliminary Evaluation of Dissolved and Suspended Metals in Water Samples from Seven Locations Across the Upper Main Stem of the Susquehanna River near Sunbury, PA, Student poster presentation by Kristen M. Benitez and Amir Y. Alwali at the 9th Annual Susquehanna River Symposium at Bucknell University, PA, Nov 21-22, 2014.
Preliminary Identification of a Volatile Silk-based Sex Pheromone of the Wolf Spider Tigrosa helluo, Student poster presentation by Rizwan Khan, Nick Van Nest, and faculty co-author Matthew Persons at the 28th National Conference on Undergraduate Research at the University of Kentucky, April 3-5, 2014.
Preparation of a Molecularly Imprinted Polymer for the Selective Retention of the Insecticide Fenvalerate, Student poster presentation by Alex Rhodes and coauthored by Lou Ann Tom at the 28th National Conference on Undergraduate Research at the University of Kentucky, April 3-5, 2014.
Preliminary Identification of a Volatile Silk-based Sex Pheromone of the Wolf Spider Tigrosa helluo, Student poster presentation by Rizwan Khan, Nick Van Nest, and faculty co-author Matthew Persons at the 90th Pennsylvania Academy of Science Annual Meeting, Susquehanna University, March 21-23, 2014.
Preparation of a Molecularly Imprinted Polymer for the Selective Retention of the Insecticide Fenvalerate, Student poster presentation by Alex Rhodes and coauthored by Lou Ann Tom at the 90th Pennsylvania Academy of Science Annual Meeting, Susquehanna University, March 21-23, 2014.
Development of Molecularly Imprinted Polymers for Detection of Low Levels of Pharmaceuticals, Pesticides, and Sulfur Compounds, presented as a seminar at the Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant, Feb. 24, 2014.
SU SAS lunch research presentation, Development of Molecularly Imprinted Polymers for Detection of Low Levels of Pesticides and Pharmaceuticals, October 2013.
Preliminary identification of a sex pheromone in the wolf spider, Tigrosa helluo, Co-author on poster presentation by Matthew H. Persons, at the American Arachnological Society National Meeting in Johnson City, TN, in July 2013.
Preparation of a Molecularly Imprinted Polymer for Lambda-Cyhalothrin. Student poster presentation by Lindsay Dunkle and coauthored by Lou Ann Tom at the 245th National American Chemical Society Meeting in New Orleans, LA, April 7, 2013.
Preparation of a Molecularly Imprinted Polymer for Lambda-Cyhalothrin. Student poster presentation by Lindsay Dunkle and coauthored by Lou Ann Tom at the 4th Annual Landmark Conference Summer Research Symposium in Summer 2012 at Moravian College.
Preparation of Novel Molecularly Imprinted Polymers for Retention of S-Ketoprofen and of 4,6-Dimethyldibenzothiophene. Student poster presentation by Brian Lysy and coauthored by Lou Ann Tom at the 243rd National American Chemical Society Meeting in San Diego, CA, March 24 – 20, 2012.
Preliminary Identification of a Sex Pheromone in the Wolf Spider, Hogna helluo. Student poster presentation by Justin Stover, Lindsay Dunkle, Matthew Persons and coauthored by Lou Ann Tom at the National Conference of Undergraduate Research at Weber State University, UT, March 22 – 24, 2012.
Preparation of Imprinted Emulsion Polymers for 4,6 –Dimethyldibenzothiophene and S-Ketoprofen. Student poster presentation by Brian Lysy and coauthored by Lou Ann Tom at the 3rd Annual Landmark Conference Summer Research Symposium at Goucher College, in Summer 2011.
Preparation of an Improved Molecularly Imprinted Polymer for Retention of Organosulfur Compounds. Student poster presentation by Nikki Schneck and coauthored by Lou Ann Tom at the 241st National American Chemical Society meeting in Anaheim, CA, March 27 – 30, 2011.
Development of a Molecularly Imprinted Polymer for the Analysis of Avermectin by Lou Ann Tom and Natalie Foster. Poster presentation by Lou Ann Tom at the 6th International Meeting on Molecular Imprinting meeting in New Orleans, LA, August 2010.
Preparation of b-Cyclodextrin Molecularly Imprinted Polymers for Separation of Ketoprofen Enantiomers. Student poster presentation by Kristen Prozialeck and and coauthored by Lou Ann Tom at the 239th National American Chemical Society Meeting and Exposition in San Francisco, CA, in Spring 2010.
Preparation and Evaluation of a Novel Molecularly Imprinted Polymer for the Retention of Organosulfur Compounds. Student poster presentation by Chelsea L. Gerard and coauthored by Lou Ann Tom at the 239th National American Chemical Society Meeting and Exposition in San Francisco, CA, in Spring 2010.
Synthesis of Nickel (II) Methacryloylhistidinedihydrate Complex for the Development of a Molecularly Imprinted Polymer for Removal of 4,6‑Dimethyldibenzothiophene from Fuel. Student poster presentation by Nikki Schneck and coauthored by Lou Ann Tom at the First Annual Landmark Conference Summer Research Symposium in Summer 2009 at Susquehanna University. Student won third place award for poster session.
Development of a Molecularly Imprinted Polymer for Retention of 4,6 Dimethyldibenzothiophene. Student poster presentation by Amanda Brooker and coauthored by Lou Ann Tom at the 237th National American Chemical Society Meeting and Exposition in Salt Lake City, UT, in Spring 2009.
Preparation of Molecularly Imprinted Polymers for Separation of Ketoprofen Enantiomers from Similar Compounds. Student poster presentation by Matthew Campbell and coauthored by Lou Ann Tom at the 237th National American Chemical Society Meeting and Exposition in Salt Lake City, UT, in Spring 2009.
Development of a Molecularly Imprinted Polymer for the Analysis of Sulfadimethoxine. Student poster presentation by Carla Walter and coauthored by Lou Ann Tom at the 22nd National Conference of Undergraduate Research (NCUR) at Salisbury University, MD, in in Spring 2008.
Improving Industrial Wastewater Treatment using Divalent Cation Addition. Oral presentation by Lou Ann (Miller) Tom and Matthew J Higgins at the Water Environment Federation, 72nd Annual Water Environment Federation Conference and Exposition (WEFTEC 1999), New Orleans, LA, 1999.
Current Scholarship with students
Photocatalytic degradation of pharmaceuticals (especially opiods) to determine if a practical, bench top method of disposal is a reasonable alternative to expensive incineration. To investigate the fastest method as a practical option for each drug, degradation of the pill form, which includes excipients and other non-active ingredients, will be investigated to compare the rate of degradation of the drugs in the form which is available to the public with the rate of pure compounds.
New Project: Evaluating of the use of acid mine draining residuals (i.e., iron oxides) to improve pharmaceutical degradation Municipal wastewater (MWW) effluent, direct sewage discharges, and acid mine drainage (AMD). The goal of this work is to begin to determine if mixing acid mine drainage residuals (i.e., iron oxides) with pharmaceuticals improves CEC degradation by UV treatment.
Analysis of spiders and dirt for heavy metals. The accumulation of heavy metals in indicator species, such as Wolf Spiders, is being studied to determine if levels of cadmium, and other heavy metals, can be detected. Detection of metals can provide information on the potential transfer of metals in the food chain. Spiders and soil have been collected from several brownfield sites, will be dried and extracted, and will be analyzed by AA and ICP/MS for a variety of other metals.
Identification of sex pheromones in the Pisaurina mira. Spider-produced chemical cues potentially have commercial value since they serve as a means of increasing local densities of spiders within crops or by serving as repellents and antifeedants to crop pests. Volatiles emanating from adult and subadult male and female live spiders are being collected by Solid Phase Microextraction and analyzed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) to identify compounds that may be used for potential natural crop pesticides.
Preparation of a non-covalent molecularly imprinted polymers for the detection of low levels of insecticides and pharmaceuticals of environmental concern.
Funding Received
NSF-MRI (July 2020). $391,544 In Collaboration with Bucknell University faculty “Acquisition of a Quadrupole/Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer with Ion Mobility Separations for Faculty and Student Research in the Susquehanna Valley” to support a broad array of research programs, including projects in environmental chemistry and engineering, chemical signaling and metabolomics, and studies of designed chemical and biochemical systems. Research within this proposal will inform air quality policy and climate processes; improve safe handling of unused pharmaceuticals; increase resource recovery from waste biomass; support fundamental understanding of biological responses to infection and disease; and inform synthetic pathways for macromolecules, supramolecular structures, and metallotherapeutic platforms.
Susquehanna University Mini Grant (Feb 2020) $1000 for “Does mixing acid mine drainage or acid mine drainage residuals (i.e., iron oxides) with municipal wastewater or direct sewage discharges improve pharmaceutical removal. “
Degenstein Foundation Summer Research Grant (June – Aug 2020). Improving Photocatalytic Degradation Rates of Opioids and other Pharmaceuticals. Degradation of common pharmaceuticals will be evaluated to determine if it could be used as a practical method of disposal as an alternative to incineration. Includes a student stipend of $3400 ($8.50/hr. for 10 weeks) and housing.
Susquehanna University Mini Grant (Feb 2020) $1000 for Evaluation of the use of acid mine drainage residuals (i.e., iron oxides) to improve pharmaceutical degradation. Received $1000 for the purchase of contaminants of emerging concern (CEC) and instrumental supplies for pharmaceutical destruction studies.
March Fellowship in Ethical Leadership (2020) ($6500) Scientific and Ethical Leadership in Chemistry. To help prepare students ethical decisions in chemistry, three workshops were planned. The first was a workshop designed for science students currently enrolled at SU and would address some of the ethical issues that science students face currently. Open discussion of the topics would be encouraged with guidance provided by one student and Dr. Tom, with emphasis not only on the specific ethical issues in classes and research but also on students helping others to make good decisions by example. Other workshops were cancelled due to the transition to on-line learning in the spring of 2020. The student did make a final presentation at Senior Scholar’s day summarizing the successes at the workshops by helping students to gain a new or enhanced understanding of the ethics they currently face and will face in their future and to escalate the personal integrity and leadership of the current SU students through discussion and understanding and hope they will carry this on to the careers they pursue after graduation.
Susquehanna University Mini Grant (Jan 2019) $1000 for Photodegradation of Opiates. Received $1000 for the purchase of opiates for pharmaceutical destruction studies.
NSF-MRI (Aug 2018 - July 2021) $396,300 In Collaboration with Bucknell University faculty “MRI: Acquisition of LA-ICP-MS to support research in environmental and engineered systems, geology and environmental geosciences, and chemistry for a sustainable future.” Acquired a laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (LA-ICP-MS) to support research that requires the measurement of elemental/isotopic abundances and ratios and the characterization of their partitioning, fate, and transport in samples relevant to the environment, human health, and the geologic evolution of Earth.
Susquehanna University Mini Grant (October 2017) $1000 for Analysis of cadmium and heavy metal accumulation in Spiders as indicator of Bioaccumulation. Received $1000 for the purchase of cadmium HCL for AA, a SPME fiber, and misc. supplies.
Foundation for Pennsylvania Watersheds Grant (2016) $15000. Photocatalytic Degradation Rates of Pharmaceuticals Frequently Disposed by the Public, and Evaluation of Pharmaceuticals in Water from the Susquehanna River near Sunbury, PA
Center for Teaching and Learning Mini-Grant to develop a course (2016) ($500)
Center for Teaching and Learning Fellowship-Grant to help other faculty to develop a course (2016) ($500)
Center for Teaching and Learning Software/Hardware Grant for pedagogical innovation (2016) ($250)
Susquehanna University Mini Grant (Septr 2015) $1000 for Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products (PPCPs) in the Susquehanna River for the purchase of pure pharmaceutical compounds for HPLC calibration and photochemical destruction studies.
Susquehanna University Mini Grant (April 2015) for Rayonet mini reactor and 8 RMR-2537a lamps and safety shield for photocatalytic degradation of pharmaceuticals is being studied to determine if a practical, bench-top method of disposal is a reasonable alternative to expensive incineration.
Susquehanna University Summer Research Partners Funding (2015) for Photocatalytic Degradation Rates of Pharmaceuticals Frequently Disposed by the Public, and Evaluation of Metals in Water from Seven Locations across the Upper Main Stem of the Susquehanna River near Sunbury, PA. Funding included student stipend ($3000) plus housing plus $1,000 supplies.
Richard King Mellon Foundation for the Susquehanna University Freshwater Science Research Initiative, for $5,500,000. Submitted Jan 2013, received 2014. In collaboration with Jonathan Niles, Carlos Iudica, Jack Holt, and Ahmed Lachhab for the purpose of developing a 3 year Freshwater Research Initiative that will serve as a collaborative water research project in the Susquehanna River basin. This project is focused on answering and finding solutions to the ecological questions that are currently impairing the river and its tributaries.
Susquehanna University Mini Grant (2014) $1000 for investigation of Identification of sex pheromones in the wolf spider, Tigrosa helluo. Purchased Solid Phase Microextraction Fiber Holder, GC/MS inlet liner and 3 fiber assortment kit.
Susquehanna University Mini Grant (2012) $1000 for Origin 8.5, a software program for departmental analytic needs, including peak analysis, curve fitting, statistics, and signal processing; and for a pump to be used in the CLSA for efficient data collection of pheromones from the live spiders.
Susquehanna University Grant (2011-2013) $6600 for Development of a Practical Molecularly Imprinted Polymer for the removal of 4,6-Dimethyldibenzothiophene and other organosulfur compounds from fuel.
Susquehanna University Summer Research Partners Funding (2012) for investigation of several different polymerization techniques for Preliminary Identification of a Sex Pheromone in the Wolf Spider, Hogna helluo and also for preparing molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) for the desulfurization of 4,6-dimethyldibenzothiophene from fuel. Funding included student stipend plus housing plus $1,500 supplies.
Susquehanna University Summer Research Partners Funding (2011) for investigation of several different polymerization techniques for preparing molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) for the desulfurization of 4,6-dimethyldibenzothiophene from fuel. Funding included student stipend plus housing plus $1,500 supplies.
Susquehanna University Summer Research Partners Funding (2009) for evaluation and improvement of a molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP) for the desulfurization of organosulfur compounds from transportation fuels. Funding included student stipend plus housing plus $1,500 supplies.
Susquehanna University Summer Research Partners Funding (2008) for development of a molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP) for the desulfurization of organosulfur compounds from transportation fuels. Funding included student stipend plus housing plus $1,500 supplies.
University, School and Community Service
Development and Co-Director of a GO short program entitled “GO Five-O: Our Fiftieth State. A Three Prong Approach to Understanding Hawaiian Culture” to provide an opportunity for SU students to complete the cross-cultural experience requirement. Over 120 students have successfully completed the program since its initiation.
Advisory Committee on Intercollegiate Athletics member, fall 2018 - 2021. Chair 2019 and 2020. To advise the Director of Athletics and the President as to the philosophy, objectives, budget, policy, and scheduling of intercollegiate athletics.
Academic Honesty Judicial Board member spring 2016 - 2020. Chair 2019 – 2020.
Search committee member to hire the new Athletic Director, fall 2019 – summer 2020.
Attended training session to learn official scorekeeping, and then scorekeeper for SU home volleyball matches. Also 15 passenger van-driver for away matches as needed in fall semester, 2019. Statistician.
The Department of Mathematical Sciences Search Committee member for two positions as a Visiting Professor and for a tenure-track position as Assistant Professor beginning fall of 2017 and again in fall 2018.
Student-focused group supporting women in STEM fields, Committee Member, Participate in a student-focused group supporting women in STEM fields. Participated in a panel discussion with Susquehanna University students ready to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM)., Sept 1, 2016.
Committee on Teaching and Learning, Made a CTL lunchtime presentation to faculty entitled “Flipping Instrumental Analysis – Chemistry 430.” Discussed the pros and cons of flipping the classroom to use in-class time on problems and discussion.
Faculty Advisor to SU Womens Varsity Softball Team, spring 2016 – present.
Instrumental maintenance of many departmental analytical instruments, including 3 HPLCs, GC/MS, AA, UV, two FTIRs, an IC and various other smaller pieces of equipment.
Participated in all Susquehanna Success Days, Admission Open Houses, and all Accepted Students Days.
Member of numerous Chemistry tenure Track Search Committees.
Committee on Faculty Elections, spring 2009 – present. Chair 2009-2010 and 2012-2015.
Member of Academic Standing Committee, 2008 – 2014.
GO Program Director Search Committee, Committee Member (Aug. – Sept. 2013).
Claritas Distinguished Visitor in the Sciences Steering Committee member, 2008-2012.
Faculty Meeting Secretary, fall 2011 – spring 2012.
Science Action Day chemistry program for high school students, October 2012.
CSIU summer sessions, taught local science teachers how to use Guided-Inquiry-Based techniques to teach chemistry to high-school students. (June 2010, June 2011, June 2012).
Summer Preview Days: Conducted many sessions during summer 2008 – present to welcome first year students and to provide general advising sessions as part of their day long introduction to SU.
Co-organized and hosted all annual Chemistry Department Diversity Awareness Dinners, 2008 – 2010.
Helped to start a research writing group which meets weekly to ensure accountability in scholarship among faculty colleagues, 2009 – present.
Participated in ShUmanitarians “Nothing but Nets” fundraising volleyball tournament to help raise money for nets to fight malaria in Africa.
Participated in 33rd Annual SU Golf Classic fund raiser for Northumberland Snyder Counties Special Olympics, 2008.
Participated in SU intramural volleyball league on faculty/coach team (2008 and 2009).
Professional Memberships
Geisinger Medication Take-Back Program, quarterly meetings with a group of many concerned agencies to discuss strategies for reducing the waste and abuse of prescription medicines. (2015 – present)
Susquehanna River Heartland Coalition for Environmental Studies - a collaboration of professors and students working together to research and study the ecological conditions and processes in the watershed, to create educational opportunities to promote student interest and involvement in natural resources of the Susquehanna river watershed, and connecting with local communities and environmental organizations. (2015 – present)
Gamma Sigma Epsilon Chemistry Honor Society, member Rho Delta Chapter (2003 – present)
American Chemical Society member (1993 – present)
Sigma Xi Scientific Research Society associate member (1993 – present)
Society for Molecular Imprinting member (2003 – present)